Day 9: Help teams cut down on email and meetings

“Microsoft Teams adoption is exploding. It is perfect for these times, when so many of us now work in distributed teams (aka remote). It is an easy way to access our files, our colleagues and manage our day-to-day work. Using Teams as we adjust to remote working gives us a huge opportunity to ditch some of the bad habits of the old workplace, such as never-ending email and never-ending meetings, allowing us more flexibility in our days. But are we actually doing this?”

A recent article in CMS Wire, Why are we still emailing if we’re using Microsoft Teams? takes a look at some of the reasons why people are still relying on emails and meetings even when they have a collaboration platform like teams in place.

How are YOU helping teams make good of use their collaboration platforms – particularly with respect to reducing email and meetings?

SHARE your thoughts in the #mwldaily channel of the MWL Community. (You can join the MWL Community here if you are a registered user of the MWL 2020 resource.)

FIND OUT MORE how to help teams cut down on email and meetings on this page of the MWL 2020 resource.

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