Day 48: Encourage continuous learning in your employees

“Learning new skills depends on creating good habits. The problem is that we live and work in environments that are results-oriented.  Why is that a problem? Because when we don’t see immediate results, it can be challenging to develop the right habits. Yet at the same time, we know that simple adjustments in our daily routines, such as adhering to a daily gym schedule or religiously reading the news each morning, promote better self-discipline and therefore also contribute to improved, overall working habits. Indeed, if you can get 1% better each day for one year, you’ll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done.  In other words, people who possess positive habits and qualities can excel and grow to be highly successful.”

In The Three Most Important Habits of Continuous Learners (TLNT, 13 July 2020) Denise Broady explains how to encourage continuous learning among your employees:

  1. Staying curious
  2. Asking questions
  3. Being open to feedback

How might you encourage these 3 important habits of continuous learning amongst your employees? How might you work with individuals and their managers to do so?

SHARE your thoughts with your team.
How could you help build a culture of continuous learning in your organisation?

FIND OUT how more how to promote a daily self-learning habit in the MWL 2020 resource. [Note: to view this content, you will need to purchase access to MWL 2020]

SIGN UP for our Modern Workplace Learning Practitioner Programme to put theory into practice in your organisation so that you promote, enable and support all the ways of learning at work.

Don’t forget to vote for your Top Tools for Learning 2020 in the 14th Annual Survey. Have the tools and platforms you use for learning – either personally, at work or in education – changed in 2020?