Day 49:

Day 49: Help your people to self-learn

Although the HBS article in this tweet, 5 steps to learn Financial Accounting without an accounting background, is specifically about learning accounting, the 4 principles (outlined in the tweet) are generic and relevant to learning anything.

How might you encourage your people to apply these 4 generic principles to learning for themselves on a wide range of topics.?

SHARE your thoughts with your team.
How could you help build a culture of self-learning in your organisation?

FIND OUT how more how to adopt a formal process of self-development in the MWL 2020 resource. [Note: to view this content, you will need to purchase access to MWL 2020]

SIGN UP for our Modern Workplace Learning Practitioner Programme to put theory into practice in your organisation so that you promote, enable and support all the ways of learning at work.

Don’t forget to vote for your Top Tools for Learning 2020 in the 14th Annual Survey. Have the tools and platforms you use for learning – either personally, at work or in education – changed in 2020?