Day 29: Are you enabling self-development?

“Personal development is a vital part of an individual’s growth and progression. By allowing you to explore key areas of self-improvement, you’re more likely to feel fulfilled in your personal life – and it could even benefit you from a professional perspective.”

Amber Rolfe explains the 5 benefits of personal self-development

  1. You’ll figure out what you want to do
  2. You’ll be able to make clear goals
  3. You’ll be motivated
  4. You’ll get a better work-life balance
  5. You’ll improve your career prospects

What are you doing to invest in your own personal and professional self-development?  Do you consider this is as your own responsibility or something that your organisation can help you with?

SHARE your thoughts with your team.
What can you do to promote professional self-development in your own organisation?

FIND OUT more about how to adopt a process of continuous self-development in the MWL 2020 resource.
[Note: to view this content, you will need to purchase access to MWL 2020]

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