Day 13 of MWL Daily

In How a Moderator Can Improve Virtual Synchronous Learning (Learning Solutions Mag, 14 Jan 2021) Lauren Merrild and Nicole Buras explain how they were forced to adapt their learning programs to a virtual format due to COVID-19 in a few ways. They identify a number of challenges in doing so, and talk about the need for two roles: trainer and moderator in the virtual training session.

“In a virtual instructor-led context, delivery may be composed of a trainer and moderator. Within this structure the trainer focuses on delivering the content, whereas the moderator may be supporting the technology, supervising activities, managing administrative tasks, or serving as a host. The moderator can also remedy technological issues, another obstacle to learning. The moderator can mitigate and proactively resolve these issues through technology checks, management of technical delivery, and technical support to individual learners. Some organizations may not have a fully built moderator role but may have a learning and development professional assist with facilitation.

How have you adapted your training for the live virtual learning environment? How are you ensuring this is an effective replacement for in person training that makes the most of the opportunities yet doesn’t overwhelm the participants?

In Section 4: Run live virtual sessions  of MWL 2021 we look at what it means to run effective live virtual training session as well as other informal events on your video meeting platform.

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